I joined Cheeki Monkeys in May 2015 after being unable to find a research
position that I wanted. After 7 years at university I didn’t want to go back to a
mundane 9 to 5 job that gave me no job satisfaction or flexibility. One afternoon,
whilst idly scrolling through jobs on the job centre’s site, I came across an
interesting job description about running your own baby & children’s markets. My curiosity was piqued! I spent a little time just thinking about it then decided to email for more information. Craig replied pretty quickly with more information and I began to get a little excited! I was checking out their website when I decided to email one of the other fairly local event organisers. She replied to me but couldn’t answer all my questions as she was only organising her first event. What to do? Eventually I was swayed by the fact that you don’t need a huge investment amount for your territory and your manual. Sure it would be a pain to lose that money but it wouldn’t be a crisis if it all went horribly wrong! So I signed up for my territory later that day.

The manual is amazing! Cheeki Monkeys tell you that all the information you need to run your event is in the manual and it certainly is! I read it all and began to think about organising my first event in July 2015. Now not every little question that you have is answered in the manual (as that just wouldn’t be possible!) but that’s where the forum (secret and known only to the Cheeki Monkey event organisers!) comes into its own. The other Cheeki Monkeys are very nice, friendly people who are always happy to answer your questions, no matter how silly or trivial you think they are! After all, until you’ve gone through all the planning of an event, there are bound to be many things, big and small, that you don’t know. All of my questions have been answered in the forum.
Gemma and Craig just could not be more helpful or supportive. Emails are answered pretty quickly and the necessary help is found. It’s more than just the help though; they are genuinely thoughtful and helpful people.
Cheeki Monkeys has been a fantastic opportunity for me. I can run my own business in my own way. I get the flexibility that I want and am never bored! That being said, it’s like everything in life, you get out of it what you put into it. Yes it takes work and you definitely need to be persistent! A little bit of resilience helps too. Sometimes things don’t quite go to plan and you have to rethink things. You learn huge amounts from each market: what works, what doesn’t, timings etc. I am now on my fifth market which is due to take place May 2016 and every time I organise a market it’s just a little different from the one before it! If you’re looking for an opportunity to work in your own way, on your own terms then you definitely won’t regret this opportunity.
Karen Hale
Cheeki Monkeys Event Organiser (South Wirral)