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Virtual Stalls

The health and well-being of our customers and wider community is paramount. Due to the current climate Cheeki Monkeys have taken the responsible decision to postpone our forthcoming LIVE events. In light of this we have decided to provide a platform for our buyers and sellers by opening Virtual Stalls.

SELLERS simply purchase a stall and upload images of your items for sale.... you keep 100% of profits.

BUYERS contact the seller direct for further details/prices and arrange collection/delivery.

Find your local sellers below or on our Map of Market Locations... Virtual Stalls are marked with a lilac flag on the map.

Virtual Stalls



COLLECTION IN PERSON: For everyone’s peace of mind, you should follow a contact-free experience when collecting goods in person. Sellers and buyers should agree a prearranged collection time. The buyer should knock on the door/ring the bell then stand back at a safe distance whilst the seller places their items on the doorstep. The seller should then stand back at a safe distance whilst the buyer collects their goods. Please exchange mobile numbers so that you can keep in contact with each other.

PREARRANGED DELIVERY: If you are concerned about the risk of coming into contact with coronavirus through a delivery, the World Health
Organisation (WHO) has said the likelihood of an infected person contaminating packaged goods is low. WHO has also advised that
the risk of catching the virus that causes COVID-19 from a package that has been moved, travelled, and exposed to different
conditions and temperature is also low. You can find the latest information on COVID-19 on the information pages of the UK Government.


Delivery drivers have been instructed to limit contact with customers by placing packages on doorsteps and knocking on the door. Having knocked on your door, they will then step aside to a safe distance while you retrieve your item. This will ensure your item is delivered securely rather than being left outside. You may also be able to choose a safe place where the driver can leave your package if you're not able to answer the door.

Once you have collected your items in person or via delivery avoid touching any part of your face. First wash your hands then to remove any fear of the virus being on surfaces, wipe over surfaces with a simple diluted household bleach which will inactivate the virus within one minute... wash your hands again. We are all in this together, follow the Government's guidelines and stay safe! 

Collection/Delivery Safety Advice
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Cheeki Monkeys is a trading name of FAIRSTANDARDS LTD. Registered address: 80 Trent Road, Shaw, Oldham, OL2 7YL

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 © Cheeki Monkeys 2014 | Web Design: Cheeki Monkeys

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